Avaruarachne satchelli
f.SALTICIDAE       No Subfamily Cook Islands Jumping Spider       No Local Name
Avaruarachne satchelli
f.SALTICIDAE       No Subfamily Cook Islands Jumping Spider       No Local Name
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Cook Islands Status Summary

Show Notes
    Intl. NamesCook Islands Jumping SpiderEN
    Local NamesNo Content
    Pacific NamesNo Content
    Sci. NamesAvaruarachne satchelli (accepted name) [new combination per Sherwood 2021], Avarua satchelli [per Sherwood 2021, Avarua occupied for a snail 1935], Trite satchelli
    High Tax. Eng.Invertebrate, Arthropod, Spider
    High Tax. Ext.k.ANIMALIA, p.ARTHROPODA, sp.CHELICERATA, c.ARACHNIDA, o.Araneae, so.Araneomorphae, f.SALTICIDAE
    Sth. PresenceRRPMG?AT?MK?MT?AK?PL?MN?TK?
    Nth. PresenceTN?MH?RK?PK?NS?SW?
    Local OriginNative; Resident; Endemic of Cook Is [Endemic of 1 island]
    Global RangeNative: Cooks (Rarotonga); 
    HabitatLand; Lowlands; Uplands
    ThreatenedNo Content
    InvasivenessNo Content
    BiosecurityNo Content
    Medical StatusNo Content
    Harmful StatusNo Content
    UsesNo Content
    IdentificationCEPHALOTHORAX: Elongate, length about twice width, widest at middle, truncate anteriorly. Brown with two indistinct lengthwise stripes starting behind anterior lateral eyes and running to posterior margin. ABDOMEN: Long and narrow, length more than more...twice width. Brown dorsally with an orangish patch near posteriors end, behind which is dark brown. Two lateral white streaks, narrow near front end, widening posteriorly, enclosing three dark lateral spots on each side in posterior half. LEGS: First pair large and dark, other three pairs smaller and yellow-brown. EYES: Usual salticid pattern. WEB: None. [This ID of male specimen, is possibly this species - J.Beatty 2/2002]
    Similar SpeciesCosmophasis but coloration is distinctive.

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    speciesid 13551
    Female live with frontal detail
    speciesid 13551
    Male live

Vernacular Names

Scientific Names and Taxonomy

National Distribution & Vouchers


Local Origin and Global Range


Citation Information

McCormack, Gerald (2009-2017) Cook Islands Biodiversity & Ethnobiology Database, Version 2017.1. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Online at http://cookislands.pacificbiodiversity.net
Please refer to our use policy.

speciesid 13551

Female live with frontal detail [5mmBL] - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Gerald McCormack 2005-09

speciesid 13551

Male live - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Gerald McCormack

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speciesid 13551
Avaruarachne satchelli
Cook Islands Jumping Spider
      No Local Name

5AP067_Trit-satc_CK-RR2_GMcCormack2_2005-09_TX.jpg// 5AP067_Trit-satc_CK-RR2_GMcCormack2_2005-09_MX.jpg// {Avaruarachne satchelli} // Cook Islands Jumping Spider//       No Local Name// SALTICIDAE//


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