Syzygium malaccense
f.MYRTACEAE       No Subfamily Malay Apple Ka‘ika Māori RR
Syzygium malaccense
f.MYRTACEAE       No Subfamily Malay Apple Ka‘ika Māori RR
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Cook Islands Status Summary

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    speciesid 6699
    Leaves, flowers and fruit (whole and open)

Vernacular Names

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Invasive/Pest Status

no data available


Species Uses

Citation Information

McCormack, Gerald (2009-2017) Cook Islands Biodiversity & Ethnobiology Database, Version 2017.1. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Online at http://cookislands.pacificbiodiversity.net
Please refer to our use policy.

speciesid 6699

Leaves, flowers and fruit (whole and open) - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Gerald McCormack

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speciesid 6699
Syzygium malaccense
Malay Apple
Ka‘ika Māori RR

4P194_Syzy-mala_CK-RR2_GMcCormack-mix_TXa.jpg// 4P194_Syzy-mala_CK-RR2_GMcCormack-mix_MXa.jpg// {Syzygium malaccense} // Malay Apple// Ka‘ika Māori ^^RR¬¬// MYRTACEAE//


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