Rhyncogonus lineatus
f.CURCULIONIDAE       No Subfamily Rarotonga Fitchia Weevil       No Local Name
Rhyncogonus lineatus
f.CURCULIONIDAE       No Subfamily Rarotonga Fitchia Weevil       No Local Name
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Cook Islands Status Summary

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    speciesid 9405
    speciesid 9405
    speciesid 9405
    Adults, including mating
    speciesid 9405
    speciesid 9405
    Adult at night

Vernacular Names

Scientific Names and Taxonomy

National Distribution & Vouchers


Local Origin and Global Range

no data available


no data available

Invasive/Pest Status

no data available



no data available

Species Uses

Citation Information

McCormack, Gerald (2009-2017) Cook Islands Biodiversity & Ethnobiology Database, Version 2017.1. Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust, Rarotonga. Online at http://cookislands.pacificbiodiversity.net
Please refer to our use policy.

speciesid 9405

Adult - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Gerald McCormack 2004

speciesid 9405

Adult [16mmBL] - Cook Islands, Rarotonga - Joseph Brider 2020-12

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speciesid 9405
Rhyncogonus lineatus
Rarotonga Fitchia Weevil
      No Local Name

5AUt117_Rhyn-line_CK-RR1-14mmBL_GMcCormack1a_2004-07_TX.jpg// 5AUt117_Rhyn-line_CK-RR1-14mmBL_GMcCormack1a_2004-07_MX.jpg// {Rhyncogonus lineatus} // Rarotonga Fitchia Weevil//       No Local Name// CURCULIONIDAE//


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